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The Air Mail Pioneers website,
promotes the history of the U.S. Air Mail Service in a way the
organization’s founders could have imagined only in their wildest
dreams. In the short 18 months that the website has been on
the Internet, the AMP has drawn response from librarians seeking
research information, relatives asking about AMP members, aviation
buffs identifying antique aircraft, students writing essays
about the early days of aviation. Most important, we’ve been
able to increase our membership.
The e-mails included in this
issue will illustrate the point. I would appreciate your response
to any of the questions below.
Do you have any info on the airmail flight from Pasc, Wa
to Elko, Nv? Did that flight land in Boise, Id? Thanks for any
help you may be able to provide.
Gary Bradshaw
I sent him information
from "Air Mail: an illustrated history 1793-1981" by Donald
B. Holmes, detailing Varney Airlines’s CAM route 5 that included
Boise. He sent me this issue’s cover photo.
My uncle was Edward Nelson who founded the Pioneers - small
world Ed Cozak
Response: He offered
to look through his uncle’s records for a framed certificate
from the Library of Congress regarding the Roll Call, AMP’s
first directory of Air Mail Service employees.
could you please tell me if
the US was the first country to have an air-mail service? Thank
You.Sheila Harrison
Response: I wrote
that world’s first official
mail flight occurred on
August 17, 1859, in a mammoth balloon over Indiana. The world’s
first regular airmail system began with the U.S. Air Mail Service,
May 15, 1918.
She wrote that she is from the north of England and participating
in a charity event for the prem-baby unit of her local hospital.
That was one of the questions in a quiz in the event. In a pub,
equipped with the information I’d given her, she impressed a
local police woman who was trying to complete the quiz.
I am searching my family tree and am gathering information
on my great grandfather. His name was Thomas Everett Flaherty
(born May 1893) I have heard he was one of the first airmail
pilots, and many other flying jobs. Do you have any information
about him and his career as an airmail pilot? I would certainly
appreciate anything you may find. Please notify me with any
info or if nothing was found.
Christine Herndon
Response : I wrote
that he is not listed as a U.S. Air Mail Service pilot, but
he may have flown for a contract line, like Lindbergh. I promised
to include her request for information about him in this issue
of the AMP News.
My great-grandfather flew for the USMail, and I have a picture
of him. He flew the "Jenny." I looked up the members [on website]
and found his last name, but the first did not match. I know
that he did not fly for very long, which coincides with how
long the man with the same last name as my great-grandfather.
His name was E.H.Duffy, and under the member name it's J.James
Duffy. The time that James flew is reported to be 7/7/24-8/31/24.
Was that the time that the "Jenny's" were flown? Any information
would be helpful. Angela Magney
Response: The name Duffy in "Roll Coll," the AMP member
roster, had a Dr. in front of his name and although her great-grandfather
was a doctor also he did not fly for the Air Mail Service. I
suggested that he might have flown for a contract line, such
as Seattle-Victoria. She scanned and e-mailed this photo, which
I entered on the website.
I came across a family post card dated
9-28-11 Aeroplane Station No1, Garden City Estates, N.Y. stamped
AERIAL SPECIAL DESPATCH. Would you be interested in a copy?
I'll send via mail if interested.
Andy T
Response: I described Earle Ovington’s
history-making flight in the Bleriot. Andy hopes to sell the
card and use the funds for his daughter’s education.
I am seeking information on my grandfather Lester F. Bishop.
He was in the Air Mail Service from December 26, 1918 to July
1, 1927. I met my grandfather only once in my life many years
ago, when he was in the hospital in Chula Vista, California.
Although I am in my late fifties, I have a 9 year old son who
wants to know as much as he can about his great grandfather.
Any assistance you can afford will be greatly appreciated. The
only source I have at present is your organization’s "Saga of
the Air Mail Service." But I would like to obtain as much information
as possible. Thank you, Wayne D. Layton
Response: I sent him text from "Air Mail: an illustrated
history 1793-1981" by Donald B. Holmes, telling of Bishop’s
dramatic force landing and rescue in a Wyoming snow storm. Bishop,
a Service airmail pilot from 1918 to 1927, inaugurated the Cleveland-Chicago
route on May 15, 1919. Layton scanned me a photo of Bishop.
I've been "collecting" biographical information about American
aviators for many years and have listed approximately 35,000
of them. A few years ago Meg Ausman, the Post Office's historian,
and I exchanged information but I'm still a long way from gathering
all of the information I'd like on Air Mail pilots. Does your
organization keep any kind of database on pilots? I'd be happy
to share what I've found in exchange for any further information.
One of my objectives is to "associate" photographs of the aviators
and their aircraft with the database and I'd be interested in
any images available. Thanks, Dan Mac Murray (3511 Ridgecrest
Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92008 )
Response: No AMP database but complete
AMP members’ list on website. He sent me a copy of the Air Mail
pilots section of his biographical database. Very thorough.
Will update and correct it, if necessary
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