string of lights marking airmail emergency landing fields
across the old transcontinental route --- this is Alice Marks' dream of a
memorial for the Air Mail Service.
The lights, which would flash on at 6:30 p.m. and remain on until
7:30 p.m., would commemorate the hour when the nation's night mail took off into the
gathering dusk.
Alice is the daughter of Paul V. Eakle who was emergency field
caretaker at McGirr Waterman field north of Chicago. Alice remembers when she was a little
girl going out to the field with her dad to light the beacons. To make the air mail trail
memorial a reality, Alice must first present a proposal to the Illinois Historical
Preservation Agency.
The document will feature her plan to install the lighted memorial
at five Illinois emergency airmail field sites. In her efforts to be accurate, Alice
researched each field through the National Archives, establishing documentation and
verifying locations. Alice would like to see some of the original beacons used to mark the
memorial sites, but fears that most of them have been lost or cut up and junked.
"It would be nice to have revolving beacons," she says,
"but other lights will do fine."
After Illinois accepts her proposal, Alice hopes other states will
follow suit. "A string of lights across the transcontinental, it's a living memorial,
right in the spirit of the Air Mail," she says.